The Farm’s Social Networking Policy for Employees
The Farm’s Social Networking Policy for Employees
The University of North Carolina Faculty-Staff Recreation Association (from this point recognized as The Farm) believes all Farm families and their guests entrust their children to the care of The Farm. The Farm’s promise to these families is that we will provide a safe environment for all participants. The Farm’s mission is to provide the safest and happiest recreational program environment possible for every member and guest. Farm employees always have a moral obligation to reflect this mission by using appropriate words and actions. This includes an employee’s use of social media and when representing themselves in the community.
Farm employees are responsible for their interactions with the community, inside and outside the workplace, and both on and off duty. Farm employees must always avoid any inappropriate speech or behavior in the presence of Farm members. This extends to any online presence.
Farm employees are responsible for the content of all text, audio, or other images they post or send on the internet. This includes but is not limited to fraudulent, abusive, profane, harassing or obscene messages or derogatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual’s or group’s race, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual orientation. Any discovery of such content will put the responsible employee at risk for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Farm employees should be aware that having an online presence could put them at risk. Farm employees should make sure that accounts or profiles are as private as possible.
Farm employees are prohibited from “friending”, “liking”, or “following” any Farm member or guest who is under the age of 18, unless it was with the participant’s guardian/parent’s knowledge and consent.
All Farm staff must use good judgment and discretion regarding their digital presence. Private uses of technology should not be allowed to be seen in a public electronic forum. Farm staff should always ensure that their use of technology does not conflict with their role at The Farm and are consistent with The Farm’s mission to provide the safest and happiest recreational environment for all participants.
Annually, all Farm staff will read this policy and agree to abide by this policy by giving signed acknowledgement of understanding.